Hate Writing? Here are Other Affiliate Marketing Methods to Try

If I talk to my friends about affiliate marketing, they would normally get stoked at the idea and want to consider. BUT...the moment they find out that there's writing involved, they change their mind right away.

To me, of course, this is a bad idea. It seems like their message is clear -- that if you can't write, you can't be an Internet marketer.

While they may be 50% correct, there are other ways to market or promote a product online without writing.

But before I give you some ideas, I'd like to say that if you can't write, take your time to hone your skills.


Because well-written articles get found on search engines even without making an effort to promote them. People who use search engines have a certain intent, and that's to find useful information. If your article gives the user what he is looking for, there's a big chance that he'll consider what you're promoting.

Aside from that, Google loves quality content.

If you still, of course, insist that you can't write, at least find a person who can. The only drawback is that you'll need to shell out money. Some sites where you can find cheap writing services include the following:

- oDesk
- Fiverr
- iWriter

RELATED: How to Use iWriter to Get Quality Content for Your Site - Complete Guide

Back to the main topic, here are some affiliate marketing techniques for non-writers.

- Youtube marketing

You can create your video reviews and post them on Youtube. Youtube is the second most popular search engine next to Google, so you won't be left with 0 views. The best part is, Youtube videos show up on Google SERPs with high rankings.

- Facebook and Twitter marketing

Amazon, for instance, allows you to share items from the site via Facebook and Twitter. To make these posts better-looking, go to your Amazon Associates account and enable the Associates Site Stripe Option. You can find this in your Account Settings.

- Be active at Keep.com 

While watching my favorite shows, I "keep" items from Amazon. Here's a tip. Find the nicest and most expensive items to share at Keep.