Amazon Gives Google Adsense a Run for Its Money?

So earlier today, I logged into my Amazon Associates account and saw a very conspicuous banner introducing Amazon's CPM Ads.

Naturally, I had to go over it very quickly. My initial impression is that it resembles Google Adsense's offer. You'll need to create an Ad Code, and in the process, you'll choose an Ad Size and a Target CPM. A Javascript code / Passback Ad Code will be generated, which you'll embed or add to your website.

Guide to Online Personal Branding – How to Use Social Media Effectively

Do you want to be a celebrity without having to put up with tabloid gossips and the paparazzi? Do you want to build a strong network fast and easy? Then build a high profile personal brand using social media.

Why Should You Care About Online Personal Branding?

While the level of your celebrity status online will probably not earn you as much compared to a typical Hollywood superstar, it can help you enjoy perks that millions can only dream of. If you have thousands of followers on Twitter, for instance, it’s only a matter of time before companies start offering free products, trips, VIP passes, and exclusive discounts.

Amazon Earnings Report Glitch, Decreasing Earnings

Yesterday, I logged into my Amazon Associates account the same time I would everyday. What I found shocked me. Everytime I refreshed the page, my earnings would decrease. My initial thought was, "Am I just banned from the program?" So I checked my e-mail account. But I didn't find any e-mail from Amazon Associates, so I thought the decrease was a refund. I waited a few hours before I the report said I only made about $200 for this month.

I got scared, of course. So I turned to Twitter to check if other affiliates were also experiencing the same thing. At least four people said they also got the same report. One even pointed me to a forum discussion, and from that, I found that a similar thing happened last year.

Goodbye, Squidoo!

So... that day has finally come. Squidoo is finally going away. To put it another way, "HubPages is acquiring key content from Squidoo, creating the largest site of its kind in the world."

If you've never heard of Squidoo, it used to be the go-to site for affiliate marketers. If you create lenses -- or articles, as they are called -- and publish them in the site, these lenses are most likely to rank very well on Google, which translates to good earnings.

But it was in November of 2012 when the site first experienced a "dose of reality" in the form of a sudden traffic slump. Then in March 2013, it was "official." The Google authority that Squidoo enjoyed since it started was gone. Although some people would still say that there was no Google "slap," anyone can observe that you can't see Squidoo lenses on top of Google SERPs anymore. The Squidoo team, of course, did their best, but the site never recovered.

Earn by Blogging About Your Favorite TV Shows

Last March 2014, I decided to blog about one of the TV reality shows I watch every week. At first, I was hesitant because I didn't know exactly how to monetize it beside placing Adsense ads. But anyway, I created a free Blogspot site and I kept going.

Today, the blog attracts at least 70 visitors every day. It has more than 100 posts that contain less than 200 words, memes, gifs, and Youtube videos. Traffic comes mostly from Google. Sometimes, it comes from Google+, Tumblr, and Pinterest. So there, I didn't do any BIG promotions for the blog or make an effort to create links.